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  • Writer's pictureKalan Hooks

UAPB Men's Hoops Fall to Prairie View A&M on the Road

PRAIRIE VIEW, TX –With the desire to bounce back against Prairie View A&M, the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff men’s basketball team fell to the Panthers with a final score of 75-58 on Monday night at the William J. Nicks Building.

The Golden Lions got off to a cold start in the first half missing their first four shots before a Dequan Morris free throw would put Arkansas-Pine Bluff on the board but trailing early 7-1.

Arkansas-Pine Bluff then felt the urge to establish their presence in the Babydome and up things a notch. Morris poked the ball loose from the Panthers, and the loose ball would be grabbed by Gabriel Vargas, who found Brahm Harris ahead with a beautiful one-hand baseball pass up the floor for a Harris layup.

Morris decided he wasn’t done getting steals and would steal the basketball for a fastbreak dropoff pass to Trey Sampson for a one-handed tomahawk slam dunk over a Prairie View A&M defender, making the gym hard-to-hear.

PVAMU then scored seven straight points to get a 24-12 lead over UAPB, making things challenging for the Golden Lions, but Morris wouldn’t lie down, scoring two buckets off Prairie View A&M turnovers; one being a two-hand dunk inside the paint and the other, an intentional poster in which Morris changed positions in the air, converting his dunk into a layup to close out the first half 37-27, trailing to Prairie View A&M.

The Golden Lions forced 19 Prairie View A&M turnovers allowed themselves to capitalize 16 points from the PVAMU turnovers, but it was not enough to eliminate the deficit, falling to the Panthers 75-58.

The Golden Lions will return home to take on the Rattlers of Florida A&M on Saturday. Tip-off is scheduled for 5:30 p.m.

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